The project revolved around the transformation of an industrial site into a vibrant convention hall, breathing new life into the existing structure while respecting its industrial heritage. With the original structure being a factory, the primary challenge lay in repurposing materials and the steel framework to minimize construction expenses and maximize spatial efficiency.
By strategically incorporating the existing steel structure, the design team was able to maintain the integrity of the building while accommodating the needs of a convention hall. This approach not only reduced costs but also contributed to the sustainability of the project by minimizing waste and resource consumption.
One of the key design elements employed was the integration of large windows positioned strategically to harness natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere within the hall. This not only reduced the dependency on artificial lighting but also enhanced the overall experience for visitors, fostering a connection with the surrounding environment.
Furthermore, the use of red bricks throughout the space pays homage to the site's industrial past while infusing the convention hall with a sense of warmth and character. This fusion of heritage and modern functionality creates a unique ambiance that resonates with attendees, providing them with an immersive cultural experience within the confines of a repurposed industrial landscape.
Area: 44,500 sft
Project Status: Completed